"Student's Right to Cancel" - Institutional Refund Policy

  1. Any monies due the student shall be refunded within 30 days of official cancellation or withdrawal. Official cancellation or withdrawal shall occur on the earlier of the dates that:
    1. A student is not accepted by the school. This student shall be entitled to a refund of all monies paid to the school.
    2. A student (or in the case of a student under legal age, his/her parent or guardian) cancels his/her contract and demands his/her money back in writing, through attendance of the first day of class or the seventh (7) calendar day of signing the enrollment agreement, whichever is later. In this case all monies collected by the school shall be refunded except a non-refundable application fee. This policy applies regardless of whether or not the student has actually started training.
    3. A student who cancels his/her contract through attendance of the first day of class or the seventh (7) calendar day of signing the enrollment agreement is entitled to a refund of all monies paid to the school.
    4. A student notifies the institution of his/her official withdrawal in writing.
    5. A student is expelled by the institution.
    6. For official cancellations as defined in paragraphs b, c, d, or e, the cancellation date will be determined by the postmark on written notification at the following address: Paul Mitchell The School Sacramento, 2100 Arden Way, Suite 265, Sacramento, CA 95825 or by the date said information is delivered to the school administrator/owner in person. Written cancellations need not take any particular form.
    7. Monies paid for student kits are non-refundable after the cancellation period.
    8. A student’ on a leave of absence date of withdrawal determination shall be the earlier of the scheduled date of return from the leave of absence or the date the student notifies the school that the student will not be returning.
  2. You have the right to cancel your enrollment agreement and obtain a refund of charges paid through attendance of the first day of class or the seventh (7) calendar day of signing the enrollment agreement, whichever is later. YOU MUST CANCEL IN WRITING. Students do not have the right to cancel by telephoning the school or by not coming to class.
  3. Any monies due a student who unofficially withdraws from the institution shall be refunded within 45 days of a determination by the institution that the student has withdrawn without notifying the institution. Unofficial withdrawals are monitored every 15 days and a determination is made to withdraw a student who has been absent from school for 14 or more consecutive calendar days; the withdrawal date that will be used in this calculation is the student’s actual last date of attendance.
  4. When situations of mitigating circumstances are in evidence, such as serious illness, a disabling accident, or death in the immediate family, the school may make a settlement that is reasonable and fair to both parties.
  5. All extra costs, such as books, equipment, graduation fees, application fee, rentals, and other such charges, are not considered in the tuition adjustment computation if the charges are itemized separately in the enrollment agreement. All non-refundable items are identified.
  6. Monies paid for supplies and equipment are non-refundable after the cancellation period.
  7. If a course and/or program is cancelled subsequent to a student’s enrollment, and before instruction in the course and/or program has begun, the school shall either provide a full refund of all monies paid or provide completion of the course and/or program.
  8. If a course and/or program is cancelled and ceases to offer instruction after the student has enrolled and instruction has begun, the school shall either provide a full refund of all monies paid or provide completion of the course and/or program.
  9. A student’s account may be sent to collections for nonpayment. Collection procedures will reflect ethical business practices.
  10. If an institution closes or discontinues a program prior to the completion of the contracted services, the institution shall provide a pro-rata refund only if the Bureau determines the school made provisions for students enrolled at the time of default to complete a comparable educational program at another institution at no additional charge to the student beyond the amount of the total charges in the original enrollment agreement. If the institution does not make that provision, the institution shall provide students a full refund of all institutional charges.
  11. A student is entitled to a refund of moneys not paid from federal student aid program funds.
  12. For students who terminate prior to completion, an administrative fee of $100 is charged.
  13. A pro rata refund pursuant to section 94919(c) or 94920(d) or 94927 of the Code shall be no less than the total amount owed by the student for the portion of the educational program provided subtracted from the amount paid by the student, calculated as follows:

    (1) The amount owed equals the daily charge for the program (total institutional charge[1], divided by the number of days[2] or hours in the program), multiplied by the number of days was scheduled to attend[3], prior to withdrawal. 

    [1] Instructional charge equals the total program tuition and registration
    [2] The number of days of the program is computed based upon the number of hours of the program divided by the hours scheduled to attend per day
    [3] The number of days scheduled to attend equals the number of hours scheduled to attend divided by the hour scheduled to attend per day.

Paul Mitchell The School Sacramento does not have a pending petition in bankruptcy, has never filed for bankruptcy petition within the preceding five (5) years, nor operated as a debtor in possession or had a petition of bankruptcy filed against it within the preceding five (5) years that resulted in reorganization under Chapter 11 of the United States Bankruptcy Code. (11 U.S. C. Sec. 1101 et seq.) 

You have the right to withdraw from a course of instruction at any time. If you withdraw from the course of instruction after the period allowed for cancellation of the agreement, which is until the first day of class session, or the seventh (7) calendar day after enrollment, whichever is later, the school will remit a refund less a registration fee, if applicable, within 30 days following your withdrawal. You are obligated to pay only for educational services rendered and for unreturned equipment. IF THE AMOUNT YOU HAVE PAID IS MORE THAN THE AMOUNT YOU OWE FOR THE TIME YOU ATTENDED, THEN A REFUND WILL BE MADE WITHIN 30 DAYS OF WITHDRAWAL. IF THE AMOUNT YOU OWE IS MORE THAN THE AMOUNT YOU HAVE ALREADY PAID, THEN YOU WILL HAVE TO MAKE ARRANGEMENTS TO PAY IT.

REMEMBER, YOU MUST CANCEL IN WRITING. You do not have the right to cancel by telephoning the school or failing to attend classes. If you have any complaints, questions, or problems that you cannot resolve with the school, write or call the Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education 1747 North Market Blvd., Suite 225, Sacramento, CA 95834 or by calling toll-free (888) 370-7589 or (916) 574-8900 or by fax (916) 263-1897. 

If a student obtains a loan to pay for an educational program, the student will have to repay the full amount of the loan plus interest, less the amount of any refund, and that, if the student receives federal student financial aid funds, the student is entitled to a refund of the moneys not paid from federal financial aid funds.